3-phase PV router
▼ Mk2_3phase_RFdatalog_temp | |
▼ test | |
▼ embedded | |
▼ test_utils_pins | |
test_main.cpp | |
▼ test_utils_relay | |
test_main.cpp | |
▼ type_traits | |
conditional.hpp | |
decay.hpp | |
declval.hpp | |
enable_if.hpp | |
function_traits.hpp | |
integral_constant.hpp | |
is_array.hpp | |
is_base_of.hpp | |
is_class.hpp | |
is_const.hpp | |
is_convertible.hpp | |
is_enum.hpp | |
is_floating_point.hpp | |
is_integral.hpp | |
is_pointer.hpp | |
is_same.hpp | |
is_signed.hpp | |
is_unsigned.hpp | |
make_unsigned.hpp | |
remove_const.hpp | |
remove_cv.hpp | |
remove_reference.hpp | |
type_identity.hpp | |
void_t.hpp | |
calibration.h | Calibration values definition |
config.h | Configuration values to be set by the end-user |
config_system.h | Basic configuration values to be set by the end-user |
constants.h | Some constants |
debug.h | Some macro for the Serial Output and Debugging |
dualtariff.h | Classes/types needed for dual-tariff support |
ewma_avg.hpp | This file implements an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average template class |
FastDivision.cpp | |
FastDivision.h | |
main.cpp | Main code |
Mk2_3phase_RFdatalog_temp.ino | A photovoltaic energy diverter |
movingAvg.h | Code for sliding-window average |
processing.cpp | Implements the processing engine |
processing.h | Public functions/variables of processing engine |
type_traits.hpp | Some useful but missing stl functions templates |
types.h | Some basics classes/types |
utils.h | Some utility functions |
utils_dualtariff.h | Some utility functions for dual tariff feature |
utils_pins.h | Some utility functions for pins manipulation |
utils_relay.h | Some utility functions for the relay output feature |
utils_rf.h | Some utility functions for the RF chip |
utils_temp.h | Some utility functions for temperature sensor(s) |
validation.h | Compile-time validations |